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  • 5:49 Computer Science / ICT: Software & Systems Dev Pathway at Downtown Magnets HS

    Uploaded Feb 09, 2023
  • 2:56 Music Animation/Visualization

    Music Animation/Visualization. The program reads in a "translated" version of the first 3 minutes of the score for Beethoven's 7th Symphony, 2nd Movement (Allegretto), the same music used in the film "The King's Speech". It then sends this data to the PC's internal midi-synthesizer. As the synthesizer plays the music, it simultaneously sends back a message to the program telling it which note it is playing, which allows the program to throw up an image on the screen corresponding to that note. All of which allows the the user to visualize the music as it plays. Note that this program is generic, like a player piano: it can play any music that is fed to it.

    Uploaded Oct 05, 2020
  • 5:46 What is Computer Science?

    A 5-minute summary of the Computer Science program at DMHS.
    Showcasing topics studied and programs written showing the breadth of applications of programming in disciplines across the academic spectrum, including biology/medicine, art, geography and astronomy.

    Uploaded Sep 23, 2020