Special Education

Welcome to the website of the Special Education program here at Downtown Magnets High School.

Our mission has the following components:

1) Ensure access to the general education curriculum for students with disabilities who have services mandated through an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

2) Search out and serve those students who may have a disability that impedes access to the general education curriculum.

3) Monitor the implementation of special education services in accordance with relevant law and policy.

4) Act as a comprehensive resource for general education teachers and other service providers addressing the wide range of learning styles found in the typical classroom.

Our program is configured so that all students with IEPs are educated in the general education classroom, with the exception of the Learning Center. The Resource Specialist Teachers (RST) and the Special Education Assistants (SEA) go into those classrooms in a co-teaching model. We have no pull-out component to the Resource Program, no Special Day Program classes, and the Learning Center – taught by an RST - is a selective, scheduled class that serves students with identified extra needs.

Downtown Magnets is an academically intense school and we believe that IEPs, while ensuring access to the curriculum, should also foster the independence, engagement, and motivation necessary for any student to succeed in school and beyond.

While we deliver services in the classroom*, minutes outlined in an IEP do not necessarily mean that those minutes consist of individual help; instead, the RST and SEA work with the general education teacher to create an atmosphere in which a student’s accommodations are organic to the classroom instruction.

The links below lead to information useful to both parents and teachers considering Downtown Magnets High School as part of a student’s education.

Please do not hesitate to call or email if you have any questions.

Ira Mae Collado, RST
Chair, Special Education Dept.
213-314-6311, 46311
[email protected]

*DMHS has no Special Day Program (SDP). Students with SDP services will be placed in the full-inclusion Resource Program, with less than 50% time in supported classes, until a 30-day IEP meeting can be held. At that time comparable services will be developed. Students will be monitored to determine whether RSP placement continues to be the Least Restrictive Environment.